Who Do I Help?

  • Children who struggle with handwriting, spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing
  • Children who have trouble with spelling rules, patterns or sight words
  • Children who struggle at identifying errors in their own writing
  • Children whose writing may not reflect the quality of their ideas
  • Children with specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia, dysgraphia, specific language impairment and auditory or visual processing difficulties
  • Children with a slow processing speed, weak working memory or short-term memory
  • Children with developmental delays, including ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, a global developmental delay or foetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  • Children with mental health issues, including anxiety

Children need to be confident in handwriting, spelling, constructing and punctuating sentences, as well as in extended writing.

How Do I Help?

  • Individualised, positive, engaging and success oriented tutoring
  • Explicit and sequential tutoring, progressing from teacher modelling ‘I do’ to guided practice ‘We do’ and finally, independent practice ‘You do’
  • Multisensory tutoring incorporating visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities
  • Explicit tutoring in the basic writing skills of sentence development, punctuation, grammar, style and editing
  • A range of educational programs including – Sounds-Write, Spelling Mastery and Little Learners Love Literacy
  • Assistive technology e.g. handwriting tools, text to speech and educational software
  • Continual review of learnt skills
  • Regular, ongoing monitoring of progress